A.N. Novikov is the Vice-Rector on educational work (2013), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, scientific director of FTI (1995), the head of information security department (1999-2015), honored scientist (1998). He works in university since 1981 after its graduation.
His scientific activity is connected with mathematics simulation of non-classic space-distributed physical processes. He is researching in the area of mathematical simulation, analyses and control of non-classic space-distributed processes and information security in communication systems.
He authored more than 100 scientific papers, including 3 monographs and 2 educational manuals. He was the advisor for 5 candidates of sciences. He has now 3 post graduates. He was the Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technics (2004). He was awarded with the order “For Merits of third range” (2008). He got the first prize and the diploma NTUU “KPI” for the best manual “Security of information-communicational systems.”